Complete queen rearing kit, for beekeeping Queen rearing tool

€ 24,71
GRATIS verzending

Complete queen rearing kit, for beekeeping Queen rearing tool

  • Merk: Unbranded

Complete queen rearing kit, for beekeeping Queen rearing tool

  • Merk: Unbranded
Adviesprijs: € 37,06
Prijs: € 24,71
Je bespaart: € 12,35 (33%)
€ 24,71
GRATIS verzending

Op voorraad

We accepteren de volgende betalingsmethoden


1. One set: 1 queen bee rearing box + 100 cups + 10 cell rods and covers, 10 cages 2. made of high quality non-toxic, bee-safe plastic, all components are reusable except cups. 3. complete propagation kit puts the queen bee directly into the cups, avoiding the grafting process. 4. made of high quality non-toxic, bee-safe plastic, all components except cups are reusable. 5. All components are reusable except the brown cups.
  • Fruugo-ID: 312420202-697740137
  • EAN: 9328858271078


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CE Mark
Veiligheidswaarschuwingen: Carefully reading the instruction manual is the first step towards safe use.

Levering & retouren

Shen Zhen Shi Lai Ka Dian Zi Shang Wu You Xian Gong Si

Adres: LonghuaxinquminzhijiedaominzhisongziyuanAqu3xiang1hao904, Shenzhenshi, 518131, China

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  • Shen Zhen Shi Lai Ka Dian Zi Shang Wu You Xian Gong Si
  • Shen Zhen Shi Lai Ka Dian Zi Shang Wu You Xian Gong Si
  • LonghuaxinquminzhijiedaominzhisongziyuanAqu3xiang1hao904
  • Shenzhenshi
  • China
  • 518131

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  • Madrid
  • Spain
  • 28046